"Declare His glory among the nations..." Psalm 96:3
Operation Christmas Child
Grace Fellowship has been the drop off center for the far west valley since 2008. Our location is a great spot for local churches as well as individuals to drop their shoebox gifts. You can participate in this ministry any time during the year, although most help is needed during the holidays.
Global Outreach
It is God’s word, the Bible, that changes lives. Therefore, our goal is to partner with organizations and individuals that give people God's Word.
What You Can Do To Help
Our field workers need our prayers. We have prayer cards available that can be used as reminders or to set up a prayer schedule.
Read the newsletters from our field workers to find out what's happening on the field. Contact us for information on how to receive the newsletters.
If you are traveling abroad and would like to visit one of our field workers please let us know and we will help make that connection possible.