Why Winter Camp?

Fellowship with other kids is a HUGE part of what makes camp important! Making friends in the tween years is a key component to staying connected as students move into youth group.
Teaching solid Biblical principles is absolutely fundamental in Christian growth. Teaching at an age-appropriate level in a way kids can relate to is what makes the biggest impact in life-long retention of those principals.
Worship is just one way to express our love and joy to the Lord. Teaching kids the importance of worship and making it fun is a major element at camp.
Fun ties all the fellowship, worship and teaching together. The games and activities provided by the camp wrap everything we learn into a nice little package of growth and connection.

Camp Details for 2025

Place:  Tonto Rim Christian Camp in Payson, AZ
Activities:  This year will include Bible study, worship, archery, zipline, BB guns (fully supervised of course!), a low ropes course, a guided hike, a campfire with s'mores and more!  
Dates/Times: Drop off is in the north parking lot of GFC on Friday morning (1/10/25) and pick up is in the same location on Sunday afternoon (1/12/25).  Specific times will be given soon!
The cost is TBD per camper/chaperone and includes food, lodging, transportation and all activities.
             November 3, 2024 - 50% deposit is due and is 100% N0N-REFUNDABLE.
             December 1, 2024 - Final payment due and is 100% NON-REFUNDABLE.
Ways to Pay:  Place your payment in an offering envelope and drop it in the offering box in the church lobby or deliver it to the church office. Be sure your child's name is on the envelope and it is clearly marked "Grace Kids Winter Camp".
An online payment option is available until 12/1/24 and can only be used to pay in full. ($6.00 is added to cover the Square usage fee.)
Chaperones:  We need one adult to every 7 campers of each gender. If you're interested in participating, please contact our Children's Minister. Chaperones must go through our volunteer application process and be equipped to lead discussion and activities.
Fundraisers:  If your child would like to earn their money to go to camp, please let me know. We can sell World's Finest Chocolate bars and each child's proceeds will go towards their camp fees. Details upon request.